Playlist del forum
martedì 12 gennaio 2010
Alcune foto simpatiche!
"E ai galera, uma foto de "AGORA", durante nossa atual pré-produção na casa do Felipe!"
Foto pubblicate sul Facebook di Felipe Andreoli!
"Rafa laying down some acoustic tracks."
"Recording in my home! Relaxed mood, big mess and huge ideas! That's the way to work."
"Meeting at the Italian restaurant in São Paulo. Probably the loudest place I've ever been in my life! Perfect place for a serious conversation, ain't it?"
Prossimo album Angra e Almah + "Edu Falaschi France" offre una rassegna interviste 08/09
Lancio previsto peril terzo album targato Almah: entro la fine dell'anno!
Con queste due ottime notizie, con i nostri migliori auguri di un magnifico 2010 alla band e a tutti i fans, cogliamo l'occasione per informarvi che "Edu Falaschi France" offre una rassegna delle interviste a Edu Falaschi pubblicate sul blog fin dalla sua creazione!
Pensiamo possa essere una gustosa occasione anche per fan italiani, e ve le linkiamo qui di seguito!
Buon appetito!
- Interviews 2009
* Interview Edu Falaschi / Angra on MS Metal Press and Whiplash, part 2 (French/English/Portuguese)
* Interview Edu Falaschi / Angra on MS Metal Press and Whiplash, part I (French/English/Portuguese)
* Interview Edu Falaschi / Artemis on Programa Synergia (Portuguese)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Darkside e-Zine, part. 2 (French/English)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Darkside e-Zine, part. 1 ((French/English)
* Interview Edu Falaschi / Almah on Supernovas (Portuguese)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Novo Metal, part. 4 (French/English)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Novo Metal, part. 3 (French/English)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Novo Metal, part. 2 (French/English)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Novo Metal, part. 1 (French/English)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Friday 13th zine (French/English)
* Interview Edu Falaschi and Almah on Spirit Of Metal (French/English)
- Interviews 2008
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Terroraiser (French/English)
* Interview Edu Falaschi by Power Of Metal Community and Almah Russia (French/English)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Musica Expressa (Portuguese / French)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Siammetal (English/French)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Yamaha (Portuguese/English/French)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Lords Of Metal (English/French)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Whiplash (Portuguese)/French)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on TV Rock (Portuguese)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Antenna Magazine (French / English)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on radio LT24 San Nicolas (Spanish)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on radio Rock247 (English)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Metal Temple (French)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on Rock Underground (French)
* Interview (radio) Edu Falaschi on Metalcast (English)
* Interview Edu Falaschi on whiplash (French / Portuguese)
For more news : Edu Falaschi France Official website
Intervista a Edu Falaschi su "Tribuna On-Line"!
Edu Falaschi ha rilasciato un'intervista per il giornale "A Tribuna" di Espirito Santo (Brazil) il recente 7 Gennaio 2010, in cui espone i cambiamenti e i progetti della band per questo nuovo anno!
Ecco parte dell'intervista per voi!
"A Tribuna : What the band is doing right now ?
Edu Falaschi : We are recording a new album, conceptual. You will have 10 tracks, but we don't spread the main theme for the moment. The release is scheduled for April. We are doing a quality work, our musicans are recognized in professional publications as references in music.
A tribuna : The band split and came back with some changes. What happened ?
Edu Falaschi : Since 2000, we have grown a great deal. Tripled sales worldwide. In 2006 we released our last album, and saw that we had to stop and reform the band, and resolve outstanding issues. Today we have a career of almost 20 years, consolidated with success in Brazil and abroad, and we are recognized in the global scenario.
A Tribuna : Is there a revival of the fans?
Edu Falaschi :Today fans take their sons to go to the show. We also invite our families, (...). When we played in Sao Paulo, they come to see me. In Guarapari, we will present to the fans hits of our career and introduce the set-list for those who don't know it. "
Per ulteriori informazioni: Tribuna On-Line
Angra al Fusão studio
Felipe Andreoli ha postato sul suo Twitter ufficilale, questa foto degli Angra con alcuni amici al Fusão studio!
Da sinistra verso destra: Thiago Bianchi, Rafael Bittencourt, Gabriel de Lima Triani, Edu Falaschi, Felipe Andreoli, André Brunetti, Ricardo Confessori.
Per ulteriori informazioni: Felipe Andreoli Twitpic