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sabato 30 ottobre 2010

KIKO LOUREIRO: LANEY GUITAR CLINIC (Melia Purosani Hotel, Yogyakarta, 28th October 2010)

Con immenso piacere riceviamo e pubblichiamo un bellissimo report fatto dalla nostra amica indinesiana Dyah Prabaningrum sulla clinic che Kiko Loureiro ha tenuto lo scorso 28 ottobre in Indonesia e precisamente al Melia Purosani Hotel a Yogyakarta.
Il report è in linga inglese.
Buona lettura!

Bahanna Musik, the official licensee of Laney Amplification in Indonesia, held a special event at the Hotel Melia Purosani Yogyakarta on 28 October 2010. The event titled Laney Guitar Clinic with Kiko Loureiro, invited Kiko Loureiro, talented and internationally known guitarist of Angra.

A press conference held in the same place before the show, with journalists from both print and electronic media and representatives from the Land of The Shadow Hunter Angra Indonesia FC, at 3.30 pm. Press conference was opened by Hendry Kaihatu, as the manager of Bahanna Musik and hosted by Sa Pralim Mudya (Guitar Plus Magazine). Interviews lasted about 30 minutes with questions about clinical material that will be given by Kiko, musicians who influenced his music, about his solo albums and explanation of the music from each albums, as well as advice, tips and tricks to become a high-skilled guitarist and has a specific style of playing guitar. Explained also by Hendry Kaihatu about the reason why Bahanna Musik select Yogyakarta as a place of the guitar clinic to be held. One of those was to promote Laney Amplification, an international brand used by many famous musicians. Then followed with soundcheck , photo session and live interview with Kiko Loureiro by local radio.

Clinic started at 18.30, with audience about 700 people and was very lively. Opening act of Andry Franzzy, guitarist of the Indonesian metal band Boomerang, also as endorser of Laney Amplification. Andry explained many advantages of Laney amplifiers, as well as a description of the specification which he used. Also held a dialogue session and the audience are welcome to try out and play Andry’s guitar and Laney amplifiers. Few audience who tried Laney amps said that the amplifier is very good and the resulting sound is perfect. Also followed by a quiz session with many great prizes, and of course Laney amps was one of the prize.

At 8 pm, Kiko Loureiro came with a loud welcome applause from audience and Kiko said a greeting in Javanese languange "Piye Kabare?" (means how are you) which made laughter from the audience for his funny Brazilian-Javanese accent. Then, Kiko started to"banging" the audience's with Escaping (No Gravity), Headstrong (Fullblast), and Enfermo (No Gravity). Kiko explained the beginning he started to use Laney amplifiers. Laney is British products which has a great output sound, different than American-made amplifiers. Laney amps, according to Kiko, is more flexible, but the resulting sound is very good. Not only for metal music, but also for bossanova and music with a less distortion and acoustic sound. After explaining those, Kiko played Aquarela do Brasil, Tapping Into My Dark Tranquility (No Gravity). For giving example of blues sound, Kiko played and sang Hey Joe, and Ain’t No Sunshine When She's Gone.

Kiko also explained about the exercises he’s done every day to become more skillfull. He also practiced ability of his fingers to play guitar and said that if the coordination between right and left hands are perfect, then we can think about what kind of music we play and our fingers will automatically "translate" the concept of what we have thought. Then, Kiko played more songs from his solo album, Pau de Arara (No Gravity), No Gravity (No Gravity), and Camino a Casa (Universo Inverso). After a dialogue session, the clinic closed by playing Nova Era (Rebirth), one of Angra’s famous song for its power and complexity of guitar playing technique. Kiko also said “matursuwun” (means thank you in Javanese languange), which invited all audience laughter and a great applause.

(by Dyah Prabaningrum)

venerdì 29 ottobre 2010

Angra citati come uno dei maggiori esponenti del Metal Brasiliano

MS Metal Press Official release :

Il blog americano 666 The Number Of The Blog ha pubblicato una lista delle dieci band metal Brasiliane di maggior successo all'estero, eccetto i Sepultura.

Ci sono band del calibro di Sarcófago, Krisiun, Korzus and Attomica, ma l'articolo punta il suo occhio sugli Angra e i Dynahead, descrivendoli come "indispensabili per le persone che vogliono conoscere la diversità dello stile dell'Heavy Metal Brasiliano.
"E' sempre bello essere conosciuto fuori dal nostro paese, soprattutto nel complesso mercato musicale degli Stati Uniti, Siamo felicissimi e onorari di essere stati menzionati e molto presto saremo da voi per promuovere il nostro nuovo disco "Aqua" queste le parole di Edu Falaschi.
Qui l'intera news in inglese

giovedì 28 ottobre 2010

Angra: 19.10.2010 - set di foto su Flickr

Cliccando sul lin qui sotto potrete vedere un fantastico set di foto relative allo Show dello scorso 19 ottobre a Taipei.
Grazie ad Edu Falaschi France per il link.

Angra: Set di foto dello show del 19.10.2010 a Taipei

mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010

Angra nel programma Showlivre

MS Metal Press Official release :

Il sito ufficiale del programma Showlivre ha rilasciato nuovi video della Band mentre si esibiscono in una versione acustica di "Nova Era". Lo show, che è stato mandato in onda lo scorso 28 settembre, ha esaminato i correnti eventi riguardanti la band e la release del loro settimo studio Album correlato dal loro nuovo tour mondiale.

** Angra interview Showlivre :

** Angra:"Nova Era" in acoustic version:

**Angra: "Arising Thunder" in acustic version:

La band ha inoltre suonato le seguenti canzoni: Wishing Well, Rebirth, Bleeding Heart and Make Believe.
(guarda tutti i video su Showlivre Official Youtube).

E qui ci sono alcuni scatti fatti durante lo show
Per vedere le foto in alta risoluzione guardate la galleria di foto su Showlivre on Flickr !

Per ulteriori news: MS Metal Press / Showlivre : Official Website /Official Youtube / Official Flickr

domenica 24 ottobre 2010

Nuovo Videoclip per Aqua - Lease of Life!

Gli ANGRA hanno recentemente ufficializzato il lancio del loro nuovo video clip!
La canzone scelta è Lease of Life.
Produzione di Paul Calencci, fotografia di Kaue Zilli, diretto da Richard Guida, con la partecipazione dell'attrice Vanessa Cristina.

"Siamo tutti molto soddisfatti del risultato del video e i fans apprezzeranno sicuramente molto, perché è il risultato di un duro lavoro, credo che abbiamo illustrato bene l'ambiente proposto in 'Aqua'. La parte più difficile è stata la ripresa di scene sott'acqua con il clima sempre mutevole di Sao Paulo!", ha detto il chitarrista Rafael Bittencourt.

Ecco a voi il video!

Per maggiori informazioni:

venerdì 22 ottobre 2010

Angra: Pocket show a San Paolo

Direttamente da: Angra Official Website :

Gli Angra presenteranno un pocket show, seguito da una sessione di autografi presso Livraria Cultura per promuovere il loro ultimo album “Aqua”.

Pocket show @ Livraria Cultura

Data: Mercoledì 3 novembre 2010

Orario: 19:30

Bourbon Shopping São Paulo
Rua Turiassu, 2100 - Perdizes - São Paulo/SP (Brazil)

Per ulteriori news: Angra Official Website / Livraria Cultura



giovedì 21 ottobre 2010

Aqua: traduzione italiana dei testi

Cliccando sul link qui sotto potete scaricare il file contenente le traduzioni in italiano dei testi di AQUA.
Un grazie a Francesco "French" Lora per le traduzioni.

(file in formato Microsoft word)

mercoledì 20 ottobre 2010

Angra: show a Taipei (Taiwan)

Gli Angra continuano imperterriti il loro Aqua World tour 2010 asiatico e ieri si sono esibiti al Legacy a Taipei (Taiwan)!

Per ulteriori News: Legacy Taipei Official Website

martedì 19 ottobre 2010

Intervista a Rafael Bittencourt by Tarja Virmakari

Siamo lieti di linkarvi questa intervista a Rafael Bittencourt sul nuovo album degli Angra, Aqua!
L'intervista, risalente a fine settembre, è stata fatta in collegamento telefonico dalla nostra cara amica Tarja Virmakari per la webzine finlandese Metal Shock!

Per maggiori informazioni:

Intervista a Edu Falaschi per Rio Metal Blog, Ottobre 2010

Sul sito ufficiale di Edu Falaschi potete trovare una traduzione in inglese dell'intervista a fatta da Rio Metal Blog (Rio de Janeiro/Brasile).


Edu parla della sua carriera come cantante e come produttore, delle sue esperienze negli Angra e in Almah, e del suo passato, prima dell'ingresso nella line up degli Angra. Edu parla anche della scena musicale del Brasile e di altri interessanti argomenti.

Potete invece trovare l'intervista originale in portoghese a questo link.

Per ulteriori informazioni: Edu Official Website

Loud Park 2010: setlist e foto

Ecco la set-list e alcune foto relative allo show che gli Angra hanno tenuto nelle due date del Loud Park Fes in Giappone:(Grazie a Ryoki da Edu Falaschi Japan !)

** Set List

- Arising Thunder
- Angels Cry
- Carry on/Nova Era
- Lisbon
- Percussions + Awake from Darkness
- Rebirth
- Nothing to Say
- Spread Your Fire

** Foto:
All these pics are taken from Loud Park Fest 2010 Official Website :

Per ulteriori news: Loud Park Fest 2010 / Edu Falaschi Japan

Angra: Loud Park Fest in Saitana

Gli Angra suoneranno per la seconda tappa del Loud Park Fest 2010 presso la Saitama Super Arena a Saitama (Giappone), a partire dalla ore 23:00 (orario giapponese)!

Per ulteriori news: Loud Park 2010 Official Website

Angra: Loud Park Fest in KOBE

Gli Angra prenderanno parte al Loud Park Fest 2010, che si svolgerà a Kobe (Giappone) al Kobe World Memorial Hall a partire dalle ore 23 :00 (ora giapponese) !

Avranno l'inore di suonare con band del calibro di Ozzy Osbourne, Korn, Motörhead, Avenged Sevenfold e molti altri!

Date un'occhiata al messaggio che Edu Falaschi ha rilasciato sul suo Official Twitter relativamente all'evento:

venerdì 15 ottobre 2010

Angra: Recensione di Aqua su

Sul sito potete trovare la recensione di "AQUA" settimo studio album degli Angra, gentilmente redatta dalla nostra Laura Fedele.
Buona lettura.

giovedì 14 ottobre 2010

Aqua: ascolto intrgrale su AOLMUSIC

Angra Official release (12/10/10) :

News in inglese.

"Starting today is hosting a full album listening party for Angra's "Aqua" You can listen to the entire album at: "Aqua" which is in stores tomorrow on SPV/Steamhammer.

This is Angra's first new album in four years, following up their 2006 release "Aurora Consurgens" The album will be available in three formats: a standard jewel case edition, a double LP edition that includes 3 bonus tracks, and it will be available as a digital download. Angra guitarist Rafael Bittencourt recently spoke about the concept and recording of "Aqua": We wanted a title that would describe in a very concise way, that concept. "Aqua" is the Latin word for water and summarizes the whole idea behind the Shakespearean play and our feelings at this remarkable moment.

Although this album sounds very different then our previous album "Aurora Consurgens", there are not many musical differences between "AQUA" and our last three albums. We tried to keep the idea of combining metal with progressive, classic, Brazilian, ethnic, pop and many other styles. The big difference is that this time we were really hit by inspiration. So we wrote almost thirty good songs, and we ended up picking the best ten out of the big list. All the atmosphere of companionship and teamwork was captured in the tracks. We really helped each other on every detail and that's what made the songs so powerful and special.

Another important difference is that the drummer Ricardo Confessori is back in the band. This was only possible because, after the recording sessions of the Bittencourt Project's Brainworms where he performed on a couple of tracks. Since then, we have regained our trust and friendship. We had a few rehearsals with ANGRA where he jammed around songs from the old and new era of the band. Also, we presented some new ideas for him to arrange and he showed that he had kept his creativity and graceful musicianship. We had good laughs remembering things we've done together in the past and how the Brazilian-mixed kind grooves were a very significant quality of our pre-Rebirth Era.

So, "Aqua" represents where we are now. And we hope that it will be remembered as one of our great classic albums, because it was done with great passion, focus and dedication. We expect that every detail of these carefully crafted new songs may help you out through your own times of change. So, get prepared to dive deep into an ocean of new sensations and float away with the various liquid atmospheres that keep changing as you listen through and it will always keep changing as you listen to it more times. Welcome to the revolving waters of "Aqua!"

For more news : Angra Official Website / AOLMUSIC

Felipe Andreoli: Video Santo Angelo

A voi un video di Felipe Andreoli che si esibisce suonando "Awake From Darkness" (Angra, Aqua, 2010), video registrato all'Expomusic 2010 lo scorso settembre presso lo stand Santo Angelo!

Grazie a Irina Ivanova for the link ;)

Per ulteriori news : Santo Angelo Official Youtube

lunedì 11 ottobre 2010

Angra: Videomessaggi per i fans giapponesi

Gli Angra stanno per tornare in Giappone per partecipare al Loud Park Fest 2010 i prossimi 16 e 17 ottobre!

Avranno l'onore di suonare insieme a grandissime band del calibro di Ozzy Osbourne, Korn, Motörhead, Avenged Sevenfold e molti altri!

Per l'occasione ogni membro della band ha registrato un videomessaggio per i fans giapponesi!

Grazie a Ryoki del sito Edu Falaschi Japan per i video e a Angra France French Blog per la news !

- Messaggio di Rafael Bittencourt

- Messaggio di Edu Falaschi

- Messaggio di Kiko Loureiro

- Messaggio di Felipe Andreoli

- Messaggio di Ricardo Confessori

- Messaggio di Amon lima (violin for Loud Park Fest)

Per ulteriori News: Loud Park Fest Official Webiste

venerdì 8 ottobre 2010

Kiko Loureiro e Rafael Bittencourt: Copertina di Young Guitar

Kiko Loureiro e Rafael Bittencourt, chitarristi degli Angra, si sono aggiudicati la copertina del mese di settembre 2010 del famoso Magazine Giapponese "Young Guitar"!

Per ulteriori news: Kiko Loureiro Official Website / Young Guitar Japan

Aqua: recensioni dal Mondo

Ai seguenti link potete trovare tutte le recensioni che sono state pubblicate in tutto il mondo relativamente al nuovo album degli Angra "Aqua":

- Written In Music Online (Dutch) 3,5 /5 :

- Festival Info (Dutch) : 4,5/5 :

- Metal Zone Webzine (French) 8/10 :

- Metal-Experience Online (Dutch) :

- Musiczine Online (French) :

- Brutalism Online (English) 3/5 :

- Progwereld (Dutch) :

- Tempelores Magazine (English) :

- ROAR E-Zine (Dutch) 4/5 :

- Lords Of Metal (English) 82/100 :

- Lords Of Metal (Dutch) 82/100 :

- Live4metal (English) :

- Rushonrock (English) 9/10 :

- Metal Rules (English) 4 /5 :

- Whiplash (Portuguese) : 8/10 :

Per ulteriori news: Kiko Loureiro Official Twitter

Kiko Loureiro: Tour Italiano a Novembre

Il chitarrista degli Angra, Kiko Loureiro, porterà in tour in Italia a fine Novembre i suoi progetti da solista (No Gravity, Universo Inverso, Fullblast) con una band d'eccezione!

Kiko Loureiro - chitarra
Felipe Andreoli - basso
Marcell Cardoso - batteria
Maria Ilmoniemi - tastiere

Ecco le date!

24.11 - Caserta - Venue TBA
25.11 - Roma - Jailbreak - info
26.11 - Pisa - Borderline - info
27.11 - Scandiano (RE) - Corallo - info
29.11 - Udine - Black Stuff - info
30.11 - Torino - Lapsus - info
01.12 - Legnano (MI) - Land of Live - info

Vi aspettiamo!

martedì 5 ottobre 2010

Felipe Andreoli: intervista "Sea of Tranquillity"

Mentre il nuovo album degli Angra, "Aqua", è finalmente disponibile anche in Europa, Felipe Andreoli ha risposot alle domande di Scott Jessup per il sito Sea Of Tranquililty website.
In questa intervista (riportata per qui per intero in lingua inglese) Felipe ci parla di "Aqua", della sua composizione, del concept ecc..(Grazie ad Irina Ivanova per il link link).

"In 2011 Brazilian metal band Angra will celebrate 20 years together having released so much fine material. 2006 was the last time we had the pleasure of a new Angra release, well now in 2010 Angra have returned with a wonderful new concept album called Aqua, that is sure to please their many fans. Recently Sea Of Tranquility's Scott Jessup had the opportunity to ask bass player Felipe Andreoli about the band and their latest recording.

Sea of Tranquility : Hi and thanks for taking the time to answer some questions for Sea Of Tranquility. Like previous Angra releases Aqua really is a fantastic CD, at least we know that with Angra you're always guaranteed great music. I read where you had many more songs written than required, how did you choose the ones that would finally appear on Aqua?

Felipe Andreoli : It is a slow and meticulous process, to pick up the songs we think fit best into the whole concept of the album. The only judge is our ears. We try to choose the best songs in each style, and sometimes we even take parts of different songs and combine them to make a better version.

SoT : Did you ever think of just releasing Aqua as a double album instead?

Felipe Andreoli : I think it's better to have fewer songs and take them to their maximum, instead of having many songs that are not as great as they could be. Taking a song to its ideal arrangement is a time consuming process, and we decided to have less and better songs. Maybe for the next record we can take some of the ideas that were left and work on them.

SoT : How long has Aqua been in the works?

Felipe Andreoli : The whole process started with the first ideas coming together around September 2009. We gathered at our homes, programming these ideas on the computer and making the initial selection of what songs would be worked on. In January, after we had chosen nine songs, we went to Ricardo's country house, and stayed there rehearsing with the whole band for about 4 weeks. In middle February we entered Norcal Studios in Sao Paulo, and the CD was ready by the middle of June this year.

SoT : Can you tell our readers about the new CD's theme and why it was chosen?

Felipe Andreoli : The concept of the album is based on Shakespeare's "The Tempest". We heard of it through a friend of ours that works with comics, and he was planning to do a comic book based on the play. He told us all about it, and we were fascinated by it. "The Tempest" was the last play written by Shakespeare, and some believe that it is cursed, because he died shortly after. There's also a view of this play as the author's final statement, for it is the only play he wrote where the avenger forgives his enemies in the end. Apart from that, the story unfolds in an island, and the water is the means of transformation for all the characters. That's why we chose the title 'Aqua'.

SoT : How has drummer Ricardo Confessori fit back into the band? Was he the first choice to replace Aquiles Priester? Ricardo does sound great on Aqua.

Felipe Andreoli : He was our first choice, but not the only one. We played with some other drummers too, but in the end we decided that Ricardo could help us bring back that ethnic feel that was so present in "Holy Land". Also, being in the band for 7 years, he knows Angra's style pretty well and has a lot of experience, not only on the music side but also in studios, tours, and everything involved in a musician's life.

SoT : Given that it has been a while since Aurora Consurgens it must feel great to finally release a new album, and let everyone know Angra are still very much around?

Felipe Andreoli : Definitely! And not only is it great to be back with new material, but we think this is one of our best albums ever. We dedicated all our minds, bodies and souls on this record, and we feel it was all worth it.

SoT : What has Angra's members been up to during the period between Aurora Consurgens and Aqua? Any other projects we should be aware of? I did get to hear Almah which was very good.

Felipe Andreoli : We had our side projects. Edu and I have Almah, as you mentioned. Rafael has the Bittencourt Project, where I also play in, and Kiko has his last solo album Fullblast, which I recorded bass on, and he also did another record with a fusion trio called Neural Code. Besides playing on these three projects I also have my own instrumental project called Time Out. But the main thing that not everyone realizes is that it took very hard work to bring Angra back together. We were working on this on a daily basis, and even with all the side projects, Angra never ceased to be our priority.

SoT : Any plans for a new live DVD at some stage? It has been a while since the release of Rebirth World Tour – Live in Sao Paulo.

Felipe Andreoli : In 2011 Angra completes 20 years, and we have many ideas for celebrating. We have plans for not one, but 2 or 3 DVDs.

SoT : Which has been Angra's most successful release so far?

Felipe Andreoli : The music industry has changed so much that it's hard to tell. Angels Cry went gold in Japan in 1993, selling a hundred thousand copies. In 2001, Rebirth went gold in Brasil, selling fifty thousand copies. But the record sales went down so much that it's almost impossible to measure which album was the most successful.

SoT : Angra went through some significant line-up changes between Fireworks and Rebirth, how was this accepted by the fans? I still read comments about those who prefer the pre-Rebirth albums. I never had a problem at all and enjoy both periods of Angra, as for Rebirth that was a top album to come back with.

Felipe Andreoli : It was never a big problem for us. We were very lucky actually, because the new line-up came to be an even bigger success than the previous one, and that's a very rare thing to happen when such a radical change takes place. Of course there are people who prefer the old line-up, but I guess the majority of people care about the music more than they care about who's playing it.

SoT : How would you describe Angra's style of music for those who have yet to hear the band?

Felipe Andreoli : We are a heavy metal band that mixes classical, Brazilian, progressive and ethnic influences. You can hear anything from jazz to African rhythms within our music.

SoT : Lastly what's the best thing about being in Angra?

Felipe Andreoli : The freedom to innovate and not be restrained by any standards. Being able to do what we love the most, however we want to do it.

SoT : Thanks again for the feedback, and for many great albums so far.

Felipe Andreoli : Thank you for the interview! "

Per ulteriori news: Sea Of Tranquility Website