Ecco il testo:
"Angra has already started writing material for their upcoming record, which they intend to release in the first half of 2010. As Rafael Bittencourt states: "We already have some songs, and they're sounding very good! Everyone is giving their best to present cool ideas, and soon we will have enough material to rehearse together and plan the pre-production. I'm really excited cause the overall mood is very positive and favorable for great ideas to come!!!"
The band should go in the studio by January/February. The band's lst record was "Aurora Consurgens", released in 2006. More news to come soon!"
Questa è un'ottima notizia, e in attesa di questo nuovo disco, ricordiamo che il 22 novembre gli Angra suoneranno a Milano, all'Alkatraz!
Mi raccomando, presenziate tutti!!!
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