MS Metal Press / Angra official note :
"The musicians continue to work at Norcal Studios to finish the production of their seventh studio album which already has a title that will be announced soonest. “Now it is almost done indeed! We are finishing the keyboards, improving some parts and mainly listening carefully everything that we have done until now”, said the vocalist Edu Falaschi.
During the production, the group invited some artists that added such a great quality to the record. “We counted on Zeca - Kiko’s brother, and my beloved brother Tito Falaschi to take part in some tracks. They recorded the backing vocals that touched all of us at the studio, since this album has been created in a very positive atmosphere. We have been working like a family again and we are extremely happy for this”, said the vocalist. “Anna Flavia, from the band Izi, was another guest that took part in the CD. She has her own style for singing which is different from the others Heavy Metal vocalists, and that was exactly what we were looking for. We didn’t want an obvious thing. We tried to reach a unique result. And we did it, you may be sure of that!” said the artist.
The new record is planned to be released in August this year and then the band will announce a world tour. "
Quindi purtroppo la cattiva notizia è che bisognerà aspettare fino ad agosto, non a giugno come era stato detto inizialmente. Speriamo che due mesi in più passino in fretta!
Restate sintonizzati!
Per maggiori informazioni: MS Metal Press / Angra Official website
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